#Menopause /Menopause A woman's last menstrual phase (more commonly associated with the few years around the last {period}), occurs between the ages of 40-55. It is caused when the ovaries lose the ability to produce {estrogen}. 70% of women experience no symptoms, apart from the end of their periods. However, for some women, physical symptoms may include: $1 night sweats sleeping difficulties hot flashes dry {vagina} soreness during sexual intercourse vaginal infections {palpitations} headaches irritability {anxiety} {depression} loss of confidence poor memory difficulty making decisions loss of sex drive $2 $1 If the symptoms are minor, try to be positive. . . Menopausal symptoms should only last a few years & it does signify the end of monthly {periods} - an end to monthly period problems & eventually, no further need for {contraception}. Here are a few tips which should make the process easier: HOT FLASHES: Wear layers of clothing (so you can take them off & put them on easily). Wear cotton nightclothes & use cotton sheets (they absorb sweat more easily & allow the skin to breathe, which will keep you cooler). Keep a deodorant in your handbag or near the bedside. Check in a mirror when you suspect you're having a hot flash, it might not be as noticeable as you think!! DRY VAGINA: {Vagina} walls naturally become thinner. If intercourse is painful seek medical advice. Avoid tight clothes, {stress} & extremes of temperature, which can make vaginal infections more likely. If the symptoms significantly affect your lifestyle, medical treatment is available. This is done by artificially supplementing your levels of {estrogen}, administered by tablet, skin patches or implant. This is known as {HRT} or Hormonal Replacement Treatment. However, the major use of HRT is to reduce the risk of {osteoporosis} (see 'HRT' & 'Osteoporosis' sections).